
Publically Shared Trade Notes:

Entry made by: BarByBar
Trade Completion Date: 6/25/2019
Click here for trade details & chart

Two leg pullback - however, the same price was hit repeatedly, so the market decided to do the opposite.

Better Trade:
Pay attention to news released (in this case Fed speaking)

Entry made by: BarByBar
Trade Completion Date: 6/25/2019
Click here for trade details & chart

Entered on a breakout pullback long setup, however, did not realize this was the third push up, making this a wedge reversal pattern.

Better Trade:
After booking profits on the prior breakout pullback long setup, be more aware of the bar count, especially after taking profits from a completed pattern because they're always evolving into another pattern

Entry made by: BarByBar
Trade Completion Date: 6/25/2019
Click here for trade details & chart

Entered on a breakout pullback long with stop below pullback for a 2R trade.

Entry made by: BarByBar
Trade Completion Date: 6/25/2019
Click here for trade details & chart

Double bottom bull flag, however, had to step away from my screen briefly; input brackets and moments later when I returned, I missed the biggest move of the day.

Better Trade: Stay Put - Flip to short on a breakdown of a double bottom for a measured move, and in this case much more.

Entry made by: BarByBar
Trade Completion Date: 6/25/2019
Click here for trade details & chart

Momentum Play
Entered trade on downside breakout, what seemed to be a trend from the open bear trend. Stop was on the other end of the bar and added each tier at the close of each bar until I was at full size. Calculated the measured move and book profits at the low of day bar.

Entry made by: BarByBar
Trade Completion Date: 6/24/2019
Click here for trade details & chart

HUYA was strong all day, and strong into the close. Bought the pullback expecting the strength to continue, was stopped out.

Better Trade:
If you find a stock that is strong throughout the day, pay attention to where the stock is coming from, if it has been steadily climbing it might be near exhaustion, however, if it had just came from a test of the moving average, it has a better chance of fresh follow-through

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